generative music app (macOS) , 2021

Generative music is a form of music in which a piece of music creates itself from an initial set of musical elements and behaviours and rules defined by the composer and/or a system (natural or artificial). It is an “approach to music creation concerning itself with neither improvisation nor explicit composition, but rather with framing an indeterminate system from which music can emerge” (Priestley, 2014, p. 1). It is therefore not a musical genre or style on its own but rather a compositional practice where the composer is more concerned with creating or discovering a system or a process – physical or virtual – that will then generate the music autonomously of the composer, than with writing the composition from start to finish in the traditional sense. In generative music the role of the composer could be seen more as that of a gardener than an architect, to use Brian Eno’s analogy (Edge, November 10, 2011). Or to borrow another metaphor of his, “generative music is like trying to create a seed, as opposed to classical composition which is like trying to engineer a tree” (Toop, 2004, p. 182).  (1)

Having these definitions as starting point, a simple landscape is a macOS app created with generative techniques to bring a continuous ethereal movement of ambient music aiming to achieve a relaxed environment.

The listener is in control, as long as he wants the piece will continue to generate, a computer private concert.

(1) https://ilpojauhiainen.com/writings/generative-music/

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Rádio Estação, março 2021

Peça generativa criada para a Rádio Estação para o fim de emissão (1-9h). 

“(...)Composta com o software Max /MSP e utilizado software da Native Instruments, Eventide, INA-GRM e “field recordings” do autor.

Tendo como ponto de partida a Raga Harikauns, metamorfopsias é uma peça generativa que usa o software Max/MSP como maestro de uma orquestra imaginária. Fornecidos os vetores, este maestro cria com temperamento e é influenciado pela progressão do tempo. Ao longo da peça cria e desconstrói a partitura, manipula de forma aleatória e espontânea instrumentos virtuais, vozes e gravações de campo, com o fim de induzir ao ouvinte percepções distintas destes elementos.

Durante o mês de março transmitimos os 4 momentos que integram esta longa peça de Manuel Guimarães, totalizando 32 horas de composição contínua (8h x 4), e numa cadência de um novo momento todas as terças-feiras de madrugada.”

Poderá escutar os diferentes momentos referentes a esta peça clicando nos links abaixo. 

Generative piece created for Rádio Estação for the purpose of broadcasting (1-9h).

“(...) Composed with Max /MSP software and using software from Native Instruments, Eventide, INA-GRM and the author’s “field recordings”.

Taking Raga Harikauns as its starting point, metamorfopsias is a generative piece that uses Max/MSP software as the conductor of an imaginary orchestra. Once the vectors are provided, this maestro creates with temperament and is influenced by the progression of time. Throughout the piece he creates and deconstructs the score, he randomly and spontaneously manipulates virtual instruments, voices and field recordings, in order to induce different perceptions of these elements in the listener.

During the month of March we broadcast the 4 moments that make up this long piece by Manuel Guimarães, totaling 32 hours of continuous composition (8h x 4), and in a cadence of a new moment every Tuesday at dawn.”

You can listen to the different moments relating to this piece by clicking on the links below.